Monday, July 8, 2013


How to earn money+ per month with CLIXZOR!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. The First Two Weeks
  4. Renting Your First Referrals
  5. Where to share


When I first learned about Clixzor 6 months ago, I thought it would be impossible to earn significant income when you only earn a penny per click. I had no Clixzor education or Clixzor strategy and so I walked away from it. However, some time later I found an online Clixzor Strategy Guide that explained how to properly rent referrals and to begin to view Clixzor as a business not just a "paid to click" site.In the following Clixzor Strategy Guide, I will share with you the basic principals of renting  referrals, how to manage your referrals, how to have FREE Direct Referrals added to your account automatically, and other Tips & Tricks.

Established users may find some of the information trivial, but new members will find most of the data critical to their success. Every member should read the guide as I have developed solutions for many of the common issues that '
Clixzorer' have.

Part 1: Getting Started

If you have not already signed up for Clixzor, click on any of the banners within the guide or ign up here:

Payout: $2
Rent referral
Detailed statics of your referral clicks
Payment via Alert Pay, Paypal, Liberty Reserve, Route Pay, Perfect Money, Solidtrustpay, PerfectMoney

What is Clixzor?
 Clixzor is a PTC (Paid TClick) service where members earn a small amount of money for viewing ads. It is 100% legitimate and Clixzor is possibly the #1 premier PTC site on the internet. Advertisers on Clixzor  are fully aware that members are being paid to view the ads, so it is a fair system to all.

How do I earn money ?

There are three basic streams of income from Clixzor: 

  • Income from your personal actions on the site (viewing ads, doing mini-jobs, etc)
  • Commissions paid to you from RRs (Rented Referrals) - explained later in Part 3.
  • Commissions paid to you from DRs (Direct Referrals) - explained later in Part 4.

  • How much money can I make?

    If you are willing to put a small amount of time each day, and you follow this guide, you should be able to make well over $1,000 per month spending less than 30 minutes each day. Some users make several thousand dollars per month with the same time commitment. It will not happen overnight, but with some diligence, this is certainly an achievable goal already reached by many of the Clixzor veterans.

    How do I get started?

    If you have not already signed up for Clixzor, click on any of the Clixzor banners within the guide or sign up here:.

    Part 2: The First Two Weeks (1 Goal to complete)

    In my opinion, the first two weeks are "make it or break it" with Clixzor users. Sadly, a lack of education will cause many to leave, but you are in the right place to avoid missing out on this great opportunity.

    During the first 15 days, you are not eligible for DRs, so do not focus on that at all. Your ONLY focus should be:

  • Getting into the daily routine of viewing the ads assigned to you
  • Earning your first $0.75 so you can begin the referral rental process

  • It is critical that you view EVERY ad assigned to you during this period so that you can remove the limits from your account and be eligible for DRs as soon as possible. You need to be a member for 15 days and have 100 ad views to remove the limit.

    TIP: View ads by logging in and clicking the "View Advertisements" button at the top of your page.
    TIPClixzor has notifier toolbars for various internet browsers. They are not AdWare. They simply tell you your balance and when new ads are available.

    You are not going to earn much during the first two weeks, that's a fact Jack.
    15 days * approx. $0.03 / day = $0.45 ... Trivial as it may seem, $0.45 is your 1st goal.

    Goal #1 - Earn $0.45
    TIP: If you are able to complete mini jobs, you can reach Goal #1 within a day or two!

    If you are interested in a small jump start and have even just a few dollars to invest into your new Clixzor  business, there are instructions in Part #3. However, the 15 day requirement before you are eligible for DRs will still take (you guessed it) 15 days.

    Part 3: Renting Your First Referrals (3 Goals to complete)

    Congratulations, you just graduated from Kindergarten! It's a big deal to make it through the first 15 days. A lot of people quit before this point... and guess what, this is where the fun begins! You're gonna do just fine!

    Once you have at least $0.45 in your Clixzor account (even if the 15 days are not up yet), you have enough to rent 3 referrals. As mentioned above, you can "jump start" your business by investing a few dollars of your own and begin renting referrals sooner.

    Before you do, read this:

    Goal #2 - Add your income to your rent account
    Goal #3 - Rent 3 referrals by clicking the "Rent Referrals" menu on your account home page.  

    (From the original guide I found)
    "Referrals cost 0.07 a month to maintain. Instead of paying for the referral, they will pay themselves as long as autopay is on. You get one penny less from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active. As a standard, you receive 0.003 per click from each RR."

    Assuming your 3 rented referrals stay active, you will earn the following:
    3 RR * 8 RR-clicks at $0.003 each = $0.072 / day
    Clicking ads assigned to you, still approx $0.03 / day
    For a total of $0.102 / day.

  • Within one more week you can rent 3 more referrals, and be earning $0.102 / day
  • And so on...

  • TIP: If a rented referral is inactive for 14 days, it will be replaced with a new one for free! (As you build your business, the 14 days can actually be lowered to 7 days)

    Continue viewing your assigned advertisements each day so that you can earn your rented referral income, and when you save up enough money to rent more referrals, get them! The more rented referrals you have, the more you will make. I recommend choosing a day of the week for rentals, and on that day rent as many as the funds in your Clixzor  account can afford.

    Goal #4 - Continue until acquire 300 rented referrals
    Yes, It will take some time, but remember, you are building a business and passive income with just a small time commitment each day! It goes pretty fast since renting referrals increases your income, and increased income allows you to rent more referrals. Can you say "snowball effect?"

    TIP: 300 RRs * 8 RR-clicks at $0.003 per click = $7.2/day ...

    Part 4: Where to Share (2 Goals to complete)

    What are some good types of places to share the guide?

    There are a lot of places you can promote your Clixzor Strategy Guide link, or really any money making tool or site.

    I am going to recommend TWO places. If you sign up for me under these links, I will use the referral credits to promote the guide, co-op, and sponsored ads, etc.

  • - When you purchase a directory listing for $45, you will earn about $56 back for it as a part of their awesome profit sharing system. Literally, you can get paid to promote your ideas!
  • The second place is the new advertsing service I am launching Mid-June 2013. Make Money Online How?. It is a new and clever approach to co-op advertising that also will allow you to earn money residually for promoting your currently used programs and tools, or new ones!